Peter, Elona and Brittney Lathrop found the medallion after 11 clues at Boundary Park between Minden and Gardnerville.
Explanations of the 2006 Nevada Day Treasure Hunt Clues
Clue No. 1
Press on treasure hunters
Do you think you are good
Follow the clues
And knock on wood!
Explanation: This is simply an introduction to the hunt.
Clue No. 2
In hiding the medallion
We try not to repeat
This clue should help identify
Things you can delete
Explanation: This eliminates previous hiding spots.
Clue No. 3
This was a seat until 1911
Historical marker #7
24 miles around
Lies a treasure waiting to be found.
Explanation: A 24 mile radius, drawn from historical marker #7, encompasses the location of the medallion.
Clue No. 4
Fortunes made
In old sheep camps
Are now replaced
With planner’s stamps
Explanation: Douglas County was once home to many sheep ranches. The medallion is hidden in Douglas County.
Clue No. 5
Out of the far north sunset came two
Seeking the desert sun
Another awaited the coming
And all continued as one
Explanation: Washington State Hwy #2 was incorporated into the 1st federal highway system, which then became part of Highway 395. The medallion is hidden along Hwy 395.
Clue No. 6
Times were the best
Times were the worst
Follow the clues
To find the treasure first
Explanation: An opening line from a “Tale of Two Cities” clues hunters into the Gardnerville/Minden area.
Clue No. 7
Do you know the widow’s name
Who was saved by Finn?
Solve this clue in the game
And be closer to the win.
Explanation: In the Twain novel, “The Adventure’s of Huckleberry Finn,” Finn saves the widow Douglas. The treasure is hidden inDouglas County.
Clue No. 8
Dundee, Darcy, Denver
There’s so much in a name
A person, place or thing
Adds mystery to the game.
Explanation: In the John Denver song ‘Darcy Farrow,’ the Carson River Plain is mentioned.
Clue No. 9
For a perfect bird’s eye view
Tail the pony express
From a ridge look down upon
Where the treasure rests
Explanation: From Kingsbury Grade, the old pony express trail, the site of the medallion can be seen.
Clue No. 10
Three that intersect
Lead to scenic lands
Target the right one
The treasure’s close at hand
Explanation: Hwy 88, 395 and State Route 207 all intersect to the north of the medallion. Choosing Hwy 395 leads to the medallion.
Clue No. 11
A green thumb in 1860
Spikes in One Nine
Oh Five One could crush the other
Yet both survive
Explanation: Gardnerville was founded as an agricultural center, while Minden had its beginnings with the V & T Railroad. This clue leads hunters to the Gardnerville/Minden city limits.